JOREDABE Industrial Corporation



The calibration shims BALTECH-23458N Series are used for machine alignment during assembly and repair works.

The sets consist of standard U-shaped shims, which allow to easily select a required shim thickness for vertical alignment.

The alignment shims are made of steel that ensures their longevity, while a perfect surface quality excludes damping of installed machines.

BALTECH company offers you the steel shims of six different sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and Small in thickness 0.05; 0.075; 0.10; 0.125; 0.20; 0.25; 0.40; 0.50; 0.70; 1.00; 2.00; 3.00 mm (0.002”; 0.003”; 0.004”; 0.005”; 0.008”; 0.010”; 0.015”; 0.020”; 0.027”; 0.039”; 0.079”; 0.118”). The sets contain 10 pieces. Upon your request we can offer you the sets with shims of other sizes.

Every enterprise should have universal sets for fast and qualitative alignment. We are ready to deliver you these sets in handy cases of 240 pieces, 360 pieces, 480 pieces and 580 pieces of different sizes. We also offer you the shims with two slots for alignment on housing bearings.

Advantages of the calibration shims BALTECH-23458N Series:

  • Easy to install and remove shims;
  • High accuracy;
  • No burrs;
  • The thickness is marked on every shim in mm and inch

According to the alignment rules not more than three shims should be installed under one support! Use of Baltech calibration shims reduces time, required for alignment procedure, while the result remains for a long! Do not waste your time and money on making shims of cooper, transom iron or other material!

Technical characteristics

2 Dimensions 50 x 50 mm
Slot width 16 mm
Type Thickness (mm/inch) Q-ty, pcs.
4720050 0.05 / 0.002 10
4720075 0.075 / 0.003 10
4720100 0.10 / 0.004 10
4720125 0.125 / 0.005 10
4720200 0.20 / 0.008 10
4720250 0.25 / 0.010 10
4720400 0.40 / 0.015 10
4720500 0.50 / 0.020 10
4720700 0.70 / 0.027 10
4721000 1.00 / 0.039 10
4722000 2.00 / 0.079 10
4723000 3.00 / 0.118 10
3 Dimensions 75 x 75 mm
Slot width 22 mm
Type Thickness (mm/inch) Q-ty, pcs.
4730050 0.05 / 0.002 10
4730075 0.075 / 0.003 10
4730100 0.10 / 0.004 10
4730125 0.125 / 0.005 10
4730200 0.20 / 0.008 10
4730250 0.25 / 0.010 10
4730400 0.40 / 0.015 10
4730500 0.50 / 0.020 10
4730700 0.70 / 0.027 10
4731000 1.00 / 0.039 10
4732000 2.00 / 0.079 10
4733000 3.00 / 0.118 10
4 Dimensions 100 x 100 mm
Slot width 32 mm
Type Thickness (mm/inch) Q-ty, pcs.
4740050 0.05 / 0.002 10
4740075 0.075 / 0.003 10
4740100 0.10 / 0.004 10
4740125 0.125 / 0.005 10
4740200 0.20 / 0.008 10
4740250 0.25 / 0.010 10
4740400 0.40 / 0.015 10
4740500 0.50 / 0.020 10
4740700 0.70 / 0.027 10
4741000 1.00 / 0.039 10
4742000 2.00 / 0.079 10
4743000 3.00 / 0.118 10
5 Dimensions 125 x 125 mm
Slot width 45 mm
Type Thickness (mm/inch) Q-ty, pcs.
4750050 0.05 / 0.002 10
4750075 0.075 / 0.003 10
4750100 0.10 / 0.004 10
4750125 0.125 / 0.005 10
4750200 0.20 / 0.008 10
4750250 0.25 / 0.010 10
4750400 0.40 / 0.015 10
4750500 0.50 / 0.020 10
4750700 0.70 / 0.027 10
4751000 1.00 / 0.039 10
4752000 2.00 / 0.079 10
4753000 3.00 / 0.118 10
8 Dimensions 200 x 200 mm
Slot width 55 mm
Type Thickness (mm/inch) Q-ty, pcs.
4780050 0.05 / 0.002 10
4780075 0.075 / 0.003 10
4780100 0.10 / 0.004 10
4780125 0.125 / 0.005 10
4780200 0.20 / 0.008 10
4780250 0.25 / 0.010 10
4780400 0.40 / 0.015 10
4780500 0.50 / 0.020 10
4780700 0.70 / 0.027 10
4781000 1.00 / 0.039 10
4782000 2.00 / 0.079 10
4783000 3.00 / 0.118 10
Small Dimensions 35 x 30 mm
Slot width 9 mm
Type Thickness (mm/inch) Q-ty, pcs.
S-005 0.05 / 0.002 10
S-010 0.10 / 0.004 10
S-020 0.20 / 0.008 10
S-040 0.40 / 0.015 10
S-050 0.50 / 0.020 10
S-070 0.70 / 0.027 10
S-100 1.00 / 0.039 10
S-200 2.00 / 0.079 10
S-300 3.00 / 0.118 10

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Sets of calibration shims BALTECH
Sets Type Content Q-ty,
47-20 BALTECH – 2N Shim set 2 120
47-30 BALTECH – 3N Shim set 3 120
47-40 BALTECH – 4N Shim set 4 120
47-50 BALTECH – 5N Shim set 5 120
47-80 BALTECH – 8N Shim set 8 120
S-Small BALTECH – Small Shim set Small 80
4723000-0 BALTECH – 23N Shim sets 2 and 3 240
4720400-0 BALTECH – 24N Shim sets 2 and 4 240
4720050-0 BALTECH – 25N Shim sets 2 and 5 240
4720008-0 BALTECH – 28N Shim sets 2 and 8 240
4703400-0 BALTECH – 34N Shim sets 3 and 4 240
4703050-0 BALTECH – 35N Shim sets 3 and 5 240
4703008-0 BALTECH – 38N Shim sets 3 and 8 240
4700450-0 BALTECH – 45N Shim sets 4 and 5 240
4700408-0 BALTECH – 48N Shim sets 4 and 8 240
4723400-0 BALTECH – 234N Shim sets 2, 3 and 4 360
4723050-0 BALTECH – 235N Shim sets 2, 3 and 5 360
4723008-0 BALTECH – 238N Shim sets 2, 3 and 8 360
4720450-0 BALTECH – 245N Shim sets 2, 4 and 5 360
4720058-0 BALTECH – 258N Shim sets 2, 5 and 8 360
4703408-0 BALTECH – 348N Shim sets 3, 4 and 8 360
4700458-0 BALTECH – 458N Shim sets 4, 5 and 8 360
4723450-0 BALTECH – 2345N Shim sets 2, 3, 4 and 5 480
4723408-0 BALTECH – 2358N Shim sets 2, 3, 5 and 8 480
4720458-0 BALTECH – 2458N Shim sets 2, 5, 5 and 8 480
4703458-0 BALTECH – 3458N Shim sets 3, 4, 5 and 8 480
4723458-0 BALTECH – 23458N Shim sets 2, 3, 4 ,5 and 8 600
8035 234N Transportation case for the shim sets 2, 3 and 4 1
8038 5 Transportation case for the shim sets 5 1


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